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Add Reddio Testnet to Your Wallet

Before making any transfer on Reddio Testnet, you need to add it to your wallet. There are two methods to do this: automatic and manual.

Option 1: Automatic Addition

  1. Go to

  2. Click the “Connect” button to automatically add the Reddio Testnet to your wallet.


  3. Once connected, ensure the Reddio Testnet is selected before performing any transactions.

Option 2: Manual Addition

You can also manually add the Reddio Testnet:

  1. Open your wallet application.
  2. Navigate to the “TESTNET” or “Network Settings” section.
  3. Add a new custom network with the following details:
    • RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 50341
    • Currency Symbol: RED
    • Explorer URL:
  4. Save the network and ensure it is selected before making any transactions.