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Configure Your Blockchain

We will walk you through how you can use Yu Framework configure two types of blockchain, one is EVM compatible L2, the other is Starknet compatible L2.

EVM Compatible L2

Here's how the 'EVM' tripod is configured. You can find details here.


type Solidity struct {
	ethState    *EthState
	cfg         *GethConfig
	stateConfig *config.Config

func newEVM(cfg *GethConfig) *vm.EVM {
	return vm.NewEVM(blockContext, txContext, 
    cfg.State, cfg.ChainConfig, cfg.EVMConfig)

func (s *Solidity) ExecuteTxn(ctx *context.WriteContext) (err error) {
	txReq := new(TxRequest)
	err = ctx.BindJson(txReq)

	vmenv := newEVM(cfg)
	vmenv.StateDB = pending_state.NewPendingState(s.ethState.stateDB)

	sender := vm.AccountRef(txReq.Origin)
	rules := cfg.ChainConfig.Rules(vmenv.Context.BlockNumber, 
    vmenv.Context.Random != nil, vmenv.Context.Time)

	if txReq.Address == zeroAddress {
		return executeContractCreation(txReq, ethstate, cfg, 
        vmenv, sender, rules)
	} else {
		return executeContractCall(txReq, ethstate, cfg, vmenv, 
        sender, rules)

Next, import both the 'EVM' and 'POA' tripods into Yu's startup function:

func main() {
	yuCfg := startup.InitDefaultKernelConfig()
	poaCfg := poa.DefaultCfg(0)
	gethCfg := evm.LoadEvmConfig(path)
	StartUpChain(yuCfg, poaCfg, gethCfg)

With that, a sequencer compatible with Solidity smart contracts is done. The overview diagram would roughly look like this:


Starknet Compatible L2

Similarly, let's take a closer look at the core logic of the "Cairo" tripod, with some details omitted for brevity, for detailed implementation, you can refer to here:

type Cairo struct {
    cairoVM       vm.VM
    cairoState    *CairoState

func NewCairo(cairoVM  vm.VM,  cairoState  *CairoState) *Cairo {
    cairo :=  &Cairo{
        Tripod:  tripod.NewTripod(),
        cairoVM: cairoVM,
        cairoState: cairoState,

    return cairo

func (c *Cairo)  ExecuteTxn(ctx *context.WriteContext) error {
    tx := new(TxRequest)
    receipt , err := c.cairoVM.execute(c.cairoVM, c.cairoState, tx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

Next, import both the ‘Cairo’ and ‘POA’ tripods into Yu's startup function:

func main() {
    poaTripod := poa.NewPoa()
    cairoTripod := cairo.NewCairo(cairoVM, cairoState)
    startup.DefaultStartup(poaTripod, cairoTripod)

With that, a sequencer compatible with Cairo contracts is easily completed.